Antal indlæg: 3352 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Drunk Swede Taken For Dead Near TESCO Pattaya
A 70 plus old Swedish man with marital problems concerning his Thai wife, got drunk and went to sleep in the bushes beside the TESCO sidewalk in Pattaya. The passers by thought he was dead and called the unidentified corpse collection foundation.
Pattaya, September 22, 2011[PDN]; Staff at Sawangboribul Foundation were notified about a dead foreigner lying in the grass in front of Tesco Lotus Chaiyapruk Two Road, Pattaya.
At the scene the officers found a foreigner sleeping in the grass. Drunk but still alive. Name, Mr. Hogh Sverre age 74, Swedish citizen. The officers woke up him and got him out of the bushes.
Upon investigation, Mr. Sverre said that he went to sleep in the grass near the sidewalk because was was upset with his Thai wife and wanted to calm down.
The officer let him return home and informed him not to sleep in the grass or in the bushes due to snakes or other poisonous animals that could harm him. Mr. Hogh Sverre agreed and went back home.
Antal indlæg: 3857 Tilmeldt: 08.05.09 Status: Offline
Jeg husker en gang jeg vågnede op i en skummel bræddehytte sammen med en sød thaipige, jeg var ærligt talt lidt sløj, og kunne ikke huske hvordan jeg var landet der.
Og hun var ikke til at slå et ord af, uanset hvor meget jeg prøvede, til sidst gik det op for mig hun var døvstum.
Og det samme var de andre piger som boede der.
Jeg blev bugseret ned i gården hvor der sad en anden farang, han så ikke bedre ud.
Derpå blev vi overhældt med vand og fik en ordentlig afvaskning.
Så kom de søde små sgu med 2 flasker Mekhong Whisky, isterninger og Coka Cola.
Det viste sig den anden farang også var fra Danmark, så det fik vi en lille en på.
Hvor de havde fisket mig op fik jeg aldrig opklaret, jeg ved heller ikke om det var mine penge de købte Whisky for.